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About Us

At XRology, we believe in the power of technology to transform businesses. As a web 3 design consultation company, we specialize in providing SMEs in the retail, fashion, and art sectors with the tools and solutions they need to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. With our deep understanding of emerging technologies and industry trends, we identify tech gaps and curate unique solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Our approach is driven by innovation, sustainability, and future-proofing strategies.


Yemi Scott

Founder | Technical expert

Yemi Scott is an accomplished entrepreneur with extensive expertise in digital media, graphics design, 3D modelling, animation, and VR game design. She founded Quirky Couture Inc, in 2018. It is the first-ever fully digital fashion label in Africa, featuring an immersive and interactive retail experience with a Metaverse integration. Yemi's passion for futuristic technology and sustainability has led her to create digital wearable NFT pieces and AI Fashion art, showcased at renowned events like Digital Fashion Week New York (2021), ETH.Denver (2023), and NFT.NYC (2023). She is a sought-after speaker for panels and workshops focused on digital fashion, Metaverse on-boarding, AI generative art, and immersive retail fashion experience. 

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